WHO Poll

On The Ball 11:15 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
Johnson, you've never shown me up on any thread ever. As usual, you completely invent things to suit your current demented rant.

Ernie - and fair enough. I don't like it either, but I'll always go. We've been shit before, we've hated the manager before.

Johnson 11:16 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
I had a pop at you because you've become a right self-satisfied smug cunt as your posts last night and today show.

dicksie3 11:17 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
Yeah, because I'm hoping BORING BOLLOCKS will go...

Whether he will or not, I can't be certain either way...

BERNABEU JIM 11:19 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
If you support West Ham and can afford to go then why would you not.
Anyone would thing that we have been great for years and now Sam s here we ain't doing so well . What a load of crap . In the 40 odd years I have been going it not been great every year , in the 90,s we were worse than this .

Piss Flaps 11:20 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
a informal poll?

I'm sure your analysis of the findings will be fascinating.

, 11:20 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
I'll be going next season. To be honest I don't feel at all sentimental about the present incarnation of the ground.

I miss the camaraderie and the witty banter of the old chicken run and today's atmosphere is nothing in comparison.

On The Ball 11:27 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
You know what? I was half cut when I replied a couple of times last night and had I been sober, I probably would have replied a little differently. Not much, but a little.

When I have to read the shit that some of you put on here, it's hard not to be self-satisfied when you know the truth about some things. I write a little harder than I otherwise might sometimes because some of the retarded, embarrassing nonsense I see on here.

When it comes to opinions, I can be as right or wrong as the next bloke. But when I'm stating facts on here, they're facts (Marcus Rosenberg aside). I'd rather read the posts of someone who knows what they're talking about rather than someone who claims to show people up all the time, when hilariously it's them who get shown up constantly by various people.

Maybe I am self-satisfied, but I'd rather be that and right than an idiot who is routinely wrong and thinks he has reason to be arrogant.

Johnson 11:30 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
What have I been wrong about?

I'd have to actually claim something to be wrong. I don't.

You however, have said on more than one occasion things like there definitely is a designated family area - although the club employee the poster spoke to said there wasn't and stated without any hint of irony "I don't know what they are but they're not that price".

Ridiculous comments simply because you know one of the ticket office admins.

If that's not arrogance I don't know what is.

Chopper Toshack 11:35 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
I've seen greats like Bonds, Brooking, Devonshire, Dicks, Di Canio, Tevez and Sandy Clark with a season ticket.

There's a chance I wont have to watch Carlton Cole next season. Of course I'll renew.

On The Ball 11:39 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
I'm glad you brought that one up. There is DEFINITELY a family area, as I said. The person on the phone either gave the wrong information or the poster heard wrong - I've no idea. The person on the phone may well not have known - not all staff knew about every area of the stadium then because they didn't need to as the information hadn't been released. Not as helpful as it could have been, but there we go.

As for other things, if you can't read between the lines then that's your problem. I try to help as far as I can. Your wilful stupidity is not my arrogance.

Johnson 11:42 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
So which stand is the family stand?

penners28 11:43 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
I wouldnt renew if it wasnt the final season. Cross between a monetary thing and the utter shit being served up. Why should i fork out £600+ a year to pay the wages of multi millionaires who couldnt give a fuck.

Case in point yesterday, waited round with my daughter to get some autographs after the game and she even asked why they were just getting in their cars rather than coming over.

The thing i find arrogant about some posters in particular is the fact you seemingly are not allowed to support west ham anymore unless you have a season ticket. Thats not aimed at you otb by the way as you have been very helpful to me regarding questions about tickets etc.

I still cannot believe how this season has turned out, and the utter mongs still singing songs about cole just about sums some of our support up. The players dont give a fuck anymore, nor does bfs.

On The Ball 11:46 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
Don't know, don't care, never asked. Wouldn't waste my mate's time by asking.

Nothing between the lines there.

One Flew 11:49 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
I would renew as OTB said , I support WHUFC.

I will also continue to read and post from time to time on WHO because I've downloaded the Johnson screen out app which allows me to read a whole thread without it going off track.

If you want it google it, I've noticed it has screened out quite a few pointless posters unless they've all been banned , but for example, Bleeding Claret, Northern Sold, Mr Polite and Leigh Jim, so as you can imagine I'm well chuffed.

Norflundon 11:50 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
No chance
I gave mine up last season as I couldn't take the boredom bug renewed in the summer because the boredom wasn't as bad as endless DIY and trips round lakeside and I thought he'd definitely go
I'm just debating wether to stump my £75 up as I'll of probably only Gond to about half the home games this season
I'll be fucking DEVASTED if he stays

yngwies Cat 11:51 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?

On The Ball 11:54 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
penners - not taken that way. My initial post wasn't aimed at everyone who decides against either. For me it is that simple - I support WH so I go - but I don't begrudge those who decide against. Well, perhaps some!

i-Ron 11:54 Sun Apr 12
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
Nope. It's the sole reason I've renewed.

I've enjoyed not going to games recently and have sold tickets to do other things. I've not bought cup tickets and I've virtually given up away games. I've not even watched us on much on telly or the streams when i'm not there. I'm hardly keeping up to date on sky sports neither. Me and mcavennie played fifa instead of watching the game yesterday.

Even when I'm at games I leave early quite a lot, to go to the bar before half time, or just to go down the pub at full time. I'm pretty uninspired by the football, and it's made me lose interest.

Still, the board are happy they've got my money, and will mos likely renew Allardyce's contract and bore the fuck out of me for another few seasons.

I'm going to see what the new stadium is like, if it's crap and Allardyce is still here I won't renew and give up.

Johnson 12:00 Mon Apr 13
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
On The Ball 11:46 Sun Apr 12

So exactly the same as your bullshit about season ticket prices then: "I don't know what it is but I'll claim it is not what someone else says."

Do you think you're to be believed because you know an admin at the ticket office or something?

Just when I thought you couldn't get more laughable, why do you bother?

ACIrons 12:09 Mon Apr 13
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
Fat Sam is staying put, it defies logic after all the crap the board have come out with about keeping him as we must stay in the Premier League to move to the new stadium and then let him go for the final season before we move. The only reason they haven't said as much is because they want people to live in hope he'll go and renew their season tickets, as soon as everyone has renewed they'll announce he's staying as he's the only manager who can guarantee keeping us up as he's never been relegated blah blah.....

B6NY B 12:09 Mon Apr 13
Re: if next season wasn't the last at Upton Park - Would you still renew ?
It's not just the manger though is it? Plenty of reasons id consider not...

Ticket prices
Style of football
Piss taking early renewals
Away fans funding
Actually enjoying it?

Not doubt I would have though so iv contradicted myself completely.

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